Okay, so it's not actually pronounced like the pho in "fee fi Pho fum"


Pho with Rare Beef

However Pho Kapaa is delish! I first discovered Pho Kapaa about two and a half years ago and I've been a frequent fan every since.  Hands down the best Pho I've had any where...and I've had Pho in San Francisco, many places throughout Asia, and many more places in Hawaii.  With our heavy Asian influence there's no shortage of great Asian food on Kauai, but you won't find a better place for Pho!

When it's rainy up in Princeville or if I've been showing properties all day in Poipu Pho Kapaa is the perfect place to meet up with friends and enjoy a big bowl of Pho.

Pho with rare beef (#9) is my favorite!  I also love the green papaya salad and the sandwiches. As far…

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I don't think it's possible to go to Hanalei and not fall in love with it! 

The crescent shaped bay, emerald green mountains, bali hai, the pier...and the list goes on.

Hanalei is truly a small beach town, full of surfers, artist, and outdoor enthusiast.

Hanalei Bay foreclosure property for sale

Why Hanalei Bay Real Estate is in High Demand

When I first moved to Kauai, I previewed a home for sale on Weke Road in Hanalei. As I walked though the house looking at the amazing blue water through the windows, I was told that the owners had three children, and all three of them were professional surfers. I thought "Well, of course, this is where people who want their children to be professional surfers live!"

Hanalei offers ideal conditions for anyone that loves water sports, hiking,…

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Aloha Kauai lovers!

Good news this morning from the Federal Reserve.  They will not be changing interest rates (for now).

Federal Reserve March Meeting

Why is that good news for you?

It's easy to see why low interest rates are good for buyers.  If you're getting a loan it makes what you're buying more affordable, and maybe even enables you to buy something that would be to expensive with higher interest rates.

If you are selling Kauai real estate (or thinking about it), low interest rates keeps a larger group of buyers in the market, and makes your home affordable to a larger group of buyers!

All around it good for every one (except maybe the banks...maybe, but I think it's good for them too)!

I meet people everyday who have been…

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Inman News Anne Eliason Real Estate AgentInman News has been created for people who work in the real estate industry and is widely thought of as the leading real estate news source. They traditionally have two Inman Connect conferences a year - January in New York and August in San Francisco - where leaders in the real estate industry come together and have the opportunity to connect. A few years ago they added Inman Luxury in Beverly Hills (excellent for those of us selling ultra luxury real estate), and their newest conference, Global Connect, will debut this April in New York.

Last August, at Inman Connect in San Francisco, a very techie looking man walked up to me and asked if he could interview me. Now...I wish that I'd gotten my hair done, and at least put on a little powder (yikes).…

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Of all the beautiful places and towns in Hawaii...nothing really compares to Hanalei. In Hanalei, the road to live on is Weke Road!

Weke Road, Hanalei

Weke Road & Hanalei Bay Highlights

On the right in this picture of Weke Road are the makai homes (ocean side) and left are the mauka (mountain side) homes. Real Estate in Hanalei is some of the most precious in all of the Hawaiian Islands, and in Hanalei, nothing beats Weke Road.

Within the last year 13 homes have sold on Weke Road. On the makai side, the average sold price has been $10,980,000. On the mauka side, the average sold price has been $2,542,500.

One of the reasons why people love Hanalei so much is because of the beauty! Historically, Hanalei was know as the "bread basket of Hawaii". It produced…

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kalihiwai ridge real estateAwww....Beautiful Kalihiwai Ridge!  I clearly remember working with my very first clients on Kauai.  They were looking at, and purchased, condos in Princeville.  Their plan was to buy a condo in Princeville now, use it as much as they'd like, and vacation rent it out when they were back home working. However, their dream was to one day buy some land on Kalihiwai Ridge, build a beautiful home, and live happily ever after!

I recently listed an incredible lot in Kalihiwai Ridge. I had a drone video made of it so you could really see the beauty of the area and the outline of the lot.

View Kalihiwai Ridge Land for Sale, Kauai, Hawaii

Kalihiwai Ridge Highlights

  • Privacy
  • Over 2.5 acres
  • Borders conservation land
  • Unobstructed views

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It's no secret that the Garden Island is popular among filmmakers and celebrities. With the island's unparalleled beauty, pristine beaches and the easy-going residents, Kauai is the perfect place to film an award-winning movie. So if you're a Kauai resident or frequent visitor, check out the movies that have been filmed on your favorite paradisiacal island to see if you can recognize any of your cherished locations.

King Kong & Mighty Joe Young – 1976

King Kong Filmed on KauaiThe classic movie and impressive remake featuring Jeff Bridges, Jessica Lange and Charlize Theron was filmed near the Napali Coast. The beaches and jungle were claimed as the South Pacific, but they were actually the shores and jungles of Honopu and Kalalau Valley.

Lord of the Flies – 1990


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I first heard about Hokaula homes for sale on Kauai (which is new Timbers Resort) at the Inman Luxury conference in Beverly Hills last August. When my friend Heather (Aspen Realtor)  first saw me and said "Isn't it exciting what Timbers is going to do on Kauai!?!?  You're lucky to be there for it - Timbers is an incredible development company!"

Hokuala Homes For SaleHeather was familiar with Timbers having worked with them in Aspen, CO. I was excited to get first-hand knowledge from someone so knowledgeable about their work!  At the time, Timbers had not announced their new development on Kauai. I was excited to be one of the first people to hear about it!

Hokuala is adjacent to the Marriott in Lihue.  Hokuala is located on an amazing piece of oceanfront real estate! 450…

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