Found 4 blog entries tagged as Hawaii.

Elite Pacific Properties, the leading luxury brokerage in Hawaii has just past a recording breaking 1 Billion dollars in Sales for 2017.  Agents with Elite also have the highest average sales per agent of the top six firms in the state!

In the history on Hawaii real estate only three brokerages have ever sold over 1 billion in a year.  We the agents that make up Elite Pacific Properties are extremely happy to be a part of this exciting accomplishment!

As an agent with Elite and the #1 Realtor for beachfront property on Kauai it's is extremely rewarding and satisfyng to work for a company with the amount of integrity and vision that Elite has.  Paul Mayer the co-founder and managing partner has his mission written out at the bottom of every email he…

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I've been helping a client of mine with the remodel of his beach house in Haena over the last year.  It is the nicest vacation rental on the beach on Kauai.  It's also the only 5 bedroom, 5 bathroom vacation rental on the beach on the north shore of Kauai!

2nd Floor Lanai

About a week ago the furniture was placed in the house and now it's just about finished!  There are still a few outstanding items like the landscaping, but for the most part it's almost done!!!  I couldn't be more excited for my client and for the people who will get to stay in this amazing beach house!

I did a video walk through today!  Take a look!

Kauai Vacation Rental Beach House

Here are some of the things that make it unique for a vacation rental on the beach on Kauai:

  • 5…

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There's good news, and bad news here.

The good news is that there are some select homes on Kauai that you can use as a vacation rental.  The bad news is that there aren't very many of them.

When people hear or read agents like myself talking about a house having a vacation rental license it's easy to make the mistake of thinking that you can apply for and get a vacation rental license and use it to vacation rent out the home you're buying on Kauai.  That is not accurate. 


There's no place like Haena on Kauai's north shore. There are a few incredible properties for sale on and off market. DM me for details! Aloha #kauai #hawaii #haena #beach #lifeisshort #buythebeachhouse #pocketlisting #kauairealestate

A post shared by Anne Eliason,…

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With the popular use of sites like,, or my favorite, Elite Hawaiian Vacation Rentals, owning a vacation rental in Hawaii is becoming more and more popular!

Each of the four main island in Hawaii (Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, and KAUAI) have different laws and regulations about owning and running residential vacation rentals.  This blog will focus on the island of Kauai. If you're considering another island let me know and I can put you in contact with an expert on that island

Legal vacation rentals on Kauai are determined in two ways.  Location and licensing determined by the County of Kauai.

The most common vacation rental on Kauai is a property located in a VDA or Visitor Designated Area. There are three main Visitor…

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