Found 2 blog entries tagged as oceanfront.

There are several oceanfront property that I will soon be listing publicly in the Kauai MLS.  Here you can learn about them before anyone else!

Here are the first two.  

One is a beach house in Haena.  It's a two bedroom, two bathroom home on the beach.  It is on a good sized lot with a lot of privacy.  The lot has guest house rights and the house has a TVR (vacation rental license).  Here's a clip of me opening the door and walking out on the lanai.


The second one is a two bedroom, two bathroom oceanfront condo in sunny Poipu!  It's in Poipu Shores which has the most amazing pool!  Here's a picture of the pool at Poipu Shores!

Pool on the Ocean at Poipu Shores
The condo at Poipu Shores is currently used as a very active vacation rental!

If you're interested in either…

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A bank owned beach house in Kekaha the southwest side of Kauai just came on the market.  

All day long people say to me "I'm looking for a little shack on the beach".  Well this is definitely that, and it's priced for a shack on the beach as well!

It has three bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 1708 square feet.  Before it was take back from the bank the property did have a TVR.  It is uncertain at this time if that is still the case.  

Here's a link to it:    Shack on the Beach

The house is located across the street from the beach with unobstructed view of the sand, ocean, and sunsets.  Located on the dryer side of Kauai Kekaha is quiet, peaceful, and serene. Also a great spot for fishing and surfing.



Can you see how clear the…

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