Found 1 blog entry tagged as wailua golf course.

When I first moved to Kauai I lived in Kapa'a town.  Every day I would go down to Kitchens beach and walk along the sandy beach.  I would walk though Kitchens beach, to the beach frontage of the Wailua Golf Course, and sometimes all the way to the beach in front The Kauai Beach Resort.  I loved the feel of the sand and warm water lapping at my feet as I walked along the beach.

There are miles of a sandy shoreline, starting at Lydgate Beach Park and continuing south down the Coconut Coastline, and most people on Kauai don't know anything about it!

Kaha Lani is a small condo complex located on the beach between Lydgate Beach Park and Kitchens beach.  Kaha Lani is one of the very few condo communities on a sandy beach on Kauai.  The majority of them…

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